Monday, November 21, 2011

Big Eat Small vs. Fast Eat Slow

"We are moving from a world where the big eat the small, to one where the fast eat the slow." I heard this interesting quote the other day and something about it really resonated with me. I thought about all the ideas my smartsurfaces group had over this past month. Some were on a grand scale (water collecting skyscraper) and some were small (bio-sand filter) but the most important thing seems to be rapidly churning out results regardless of size. This is something that as of late we have gotten much better at. We made great strides with our rapid prototyping sessions last week and really came on strong again this week.

Here is a picture of the (water)Lilly is all its glory:

And here it is with a chair next to it for a size reference:

It's too bad the world is shifting from one where the big eat the small because we certainly went all out and have a BFT to present this week. At least we are adjusting appropriately and are starting to pick up the pace with the fast vs. slow aspect.

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